She went onto claim that the court failed to ensure legal representation for Disha Ravi. Her lawyer Rebecca John wrote a Facebook post and alleged 'shocking abdication of judicial duties' by the Patiala House Court magistrate. They have also questioned whether proper procedure was followed or not when she was taken by the Delhi Police from Bengaluru. Her legal team claims that they didn't know what court she was to be produced in and she argued her own case in the court. This is in complete contradiction to the claims of her legal team.
He added that as soon as Disha was taken to Cyber Cell in Delhi's Dwarka, her lawyers reached there immediately. In most cases, the iPhone X black screen is cuased by software damage. He also dismissed claims that Disha Ravi had to argue her case on her own. fone - iOS Toolkit to see how amazing it Conclusion In terms of the issue. See more ideas about cute cases, cool phone cases, cute phone cases. Learn more about the latest generative AI tools and features with Duet AI in Google Workspace. An official told India Today that upon realising Disha Ravi's lawyer is absent from the court, the court appointed a lawyer from the Delhi Legal Cell to present her. Explore Kat K's board 'Cute cases', followed by 1,553 people on Pinterest. Senior officials of the Delhi Police claimed that the absence of her lawyers was well planned and not out of coincidence.